Thursday, March 29, 2007

Would you like...paper??

How many times has a bagger at your local grocery store asked you, "Paper or plastic?" I worked in super market retail for years and know what a pain in the ass people can be about their bag preference.(paper and plastic is the worst!)
San Fransico has now put a city wide ban into effect meaning, you guessed it, NO MORE PLASTIC BAGS!! To all of you baggers out in San Fran...I pray for your fingers after bagging with nothing but paper. However, this means great things for us earth friendly people. Store like BJ's and Costco don't offer bagging, and they still do great business. People would be bound to bitch if plastic bags were done away with for good, but I'm sure we could be conditioned to be okay with it.


Miss Molinaro said...

Its funny that you have this up, because I put this in my blog. Except I put it in wondering where the government comes off telling me what I can put my groceries in! I do not think it says anywhere in the Constitution, paper or plastic?

pennylane said...

A good point, whether it's good for the environment or not. I'll admit I'd definitely be one of those people bitching at the grocery store haha.