Sunday, April 8, 2007

ge foods leaving a nasty taste

Last month the press quickly brushed over the halting of Genetically Engineered alfalfa by a federal judge. Many of you might not have even heard about it, and many of you might not even know a whole lot about GE foods and why they're potentially harmfuk. The saying goes, "You are what you eat," which means that everyone should be aware of what's going into their bodies.
Everyday we eat foods that may have been genetically altered in one way or another. Not enough testing has been done on GE foods for us to know if they're safe to eat, or whether these altered crops could effect our ecosystems. People in favor of GE foods swear that it could cure hunger around the world. Hell, if I know it's safe and other countries can benefit from it, then great. But growing GE crops is an expensive process, and I seriously doubt that any third world nations could afford it.
The other argument is that it could end the use of pesticides, when in reality, the use of pesticides has actually actually increased with the introduction of GE foods. Gee, what a coincidence that the same companies that create GE foods also make the pesticides themselves! It seems to me that the motives are clear, and this is yet another money-maker at the cost of our health, and the future of our environment.

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